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DCX Software Suite

The DCX Software Suite was designed to systematize and automate labor intensive, error-prone order fulfillment processes into the efficient, precise operations required to thrive in today’s warehouses.

We have combined key functionality that provides WMS (Warehouse Management System), WCS (Warehouse Control System) and WES (Warehouse Execution System) suite of solutions.

Warehouse Inventory and Order Management

Warehouse Management System

Our WMS is the cornerstone of our warehousing or distribution solutions. It provides the functionality necessary to implement higher levels of automation and efficiency. A Warehouse Management System (WMS) manages inventory from receipt to shipping, including the labor required for order fulfillment.

Warehouse Order Fulfillment Conveyors

Warehouse Execution Systems

Finally, the Warehouse Execution System (WES) looks at all your resources in real-time, organizing, sequencing, directing, and linking your warehouse and distribution process together.

Warehouse Controls System

Warehouse Controls System

Our WCS (Warehouse Controls System) functions at the equipment level; linking your WMS to material handling systems. Warehouse Control Systems (WCS) direct flow of product as it moves through the various automation systems deployed as efficiently as possible.

Your ERP + DCX + MMCI = Success

The DCX Software Suite essentially acts as the brain that sits between your ERP system and equipment.  It can perform all of the duties of a WMS, WES and WCS when integrated by a qualified systems integrator like MMCI Automation.

Warehouse Execution Software Diagram

DCX Modules

The DCX Software Suite features a modular design that allows you to deploy only what you need to achieve the best ROI possible.  No need to overpay for software functionality you will never need.  You can tailor our software to view your warehouse in ways that best benefit operation. This approach can provide a faster ROI and is totally scalable.  As your business evolves you can easily add functionality by deploying additional modules to meet changing demands. These modules were designed to work together, and thoroughly tested to provide the dependability you expect.

Stock Module

DCX Inventory Control

Order Module

DCX Order Management

Sort Module

DCX Sort Control

Pick Module Icon

DCX Pick

PTL Module Icon

DCX Pick-to-Light

Cart Module Icon

DCX Smart Cart

Pack Module Icon

DCX Pack

Cube Module Icon

DCX Cubing

Check Module Icon

DCX Double Check

How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.