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Life Cycle Support

When the dust has settled and the project is complete, we don’t disappear. As your partner, we will continue delivering solutions and value to your application. We provide ongoing maintenance service for your systems to continuously maximize the reliability and productivity of your warehouse automation systems and solutions.

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Never One-and-Done

"One-and-done" is not part of our vocabulary. We offer complete lifecycle support to provide you with the greatest return on your investment. If a question arises, we are typically just a phone call away and can often "remote in" to your system to reduce downtime and costs related to ongoing service.

We Provide Ongoing Assistance For:

Parts and Maintenance Icon

Parts and Maintenance

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Interface Icon

Modifications & Efficiency Updates

We Provide Ongoing Assistance For:

24/7 Icon

Reducing Downtime

Value Icon

Increasing System Longevity

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Future Planning

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance

MMCI offers scheduled preventative maintenance services aimed at preventing breakdowns and equipment failures. Services can be done independently or in conjunction with your own maintenance staff.

Online Support System

Online Support System

All support calls and emails are handled by our online ticketing system which provides a great way for tracking issues and ensuring all work is completed. You can access the system at any time (24/7/365) to track progress of open tickets and view your entire support history.  View Support Options

Operational Training

Operational & System Training

As part of our standard installation and testing process, MMCI will train your operators on the use of the system. We ensure that your key people understand the various modules provided with the system and how to use them to their maximum effect.

Conveyor Belt

Ongoing Audit System

MMCI also gives you the option for ongoing system audits as part of your support contract. The purpose for audits are two-fold. First, we make sure the existing system functions the way it was designed to work. And second, since most companies do not have a static business, we analyze your system to determine whether any operational or systems changes are needed to accommodate new developments in other areas of your business.

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An audit may consist of one or more of the following and often occur yearly or as deemed necessary by you.

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Check Existing System for Errors

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Determine if Needs Have Changed

How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.