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Robotic Case Packing Systems

Case packing is one of the most repetitive tasks in many operations and a process in which robotics can have a tremendous impact on productivity, safety, accuracy and more.

Automate Pick & Place for Efficient Packing

At MMCI Robotics, we design highly flexible robotic case packing systems that can handle a variety of products in varying shapes and sizes and effectively integrate these with upstream and downstream systems managed through easy-to-use HMI touchscreen controls.

Pick and Place Robotic Cell

Common Benefits

  • Direct labor savings from improved personnel utilization
  • Reduced worker's compensation claims from repetitive motion injuries
  • Improved accuracy and quality
  • Enhanced flexibility as changeover can be as easy as clicking a butting
  • Reliability with 24/7 uptime and minimal maintenance
Robotic Case Packing System

Our specialty at MMCI Robotics is integrating robotic case packing systems within an entire material handling system. We evaluate all processes to identify bottlenecks and areas where productivity, quality and safety can be improved and then implement systems and controls to improve the process and better utilize management information.

See how MMCI Robotics helped a major paperboard container manufacturer improve the efficiency of their tub packing process with an integrated system featuring a customized robot that picked-and-placed tubs into cases, dispensed pallets and palletized the full case for shipment to its customer.

Learn More

How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.