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Print-and-Apply Systems

Print-and-apply systems are extremely beneficial in the shipping process as well as other places in the warehouse. Most systems include a barcode scanner to identify the particular parcel, a print/apply machine, conveyor for inducting, labeling, and discharge, a verification scanner to read the printed label, software to merge data, and communicate with the host system, and shipping software as required.

Print-and-Apply on Conveyor

Print-and-apply systems are not limited to just shipping applications in the warehouse automation systems or distribution center. Many companies have products that are time stamped, serialized, or require a variation in every label that is applied to the product or shipping box. Any of these scenarios is easily resolved with automatic printing and application of the label.

How Can We Help?

At any stage of your automation project, we can help. Call us at 314-438-3300 or fill out the form below.